Saturday, May 14, 2011


Fact: I absolutely love the feeling of brushing my teeth. 
Fact: My life would not exist without music.
Fact: Rain is one of my all time favorite things. 
Fact: Thunder is the best kind of rainstorm.
Fact: I love the smell before, during, and after rain.
Fact: Summer rain is the best thing that ever happened to this planet.
Fact: It rained today.
Fact: I love strawberries.
Fact: The first thing I notice about a person is their smile (or lack thereof) 
Fact: Smiling is one of the most attractive things a person can do.
Fact: I'm in love with blue eyes.
Fact: I'm an oxymoron.
Fact: When I envision myself with children (which I want more than anything) I can't see myself with toddlers or babies. I see myself with 9-10 year olds and teenagers.
Fact: People are stupid.
Fact: Boys are not worth it in high school. 
Fact: God works in mysterious ways. 
Fact: People don't treat themselves with enough respect.
Fact: Doing what's right would be so much easier if everyone combined forces and had each others' backs. 

Fact: It's discouraging to be around people that say they have the same beliefs as you, but don't live them. 
Fact: I should go do homework...
Fact: Summer vacation is in 2 weeks.

Fact: This is just beginning to dawn on me.
Fact: This year went by so fast for me.

Fact: I don't feel quite ready to grow up.
Fact: I'm so over high school drama. 
Fact: I should really stop writing facts. 
Fact: I do things so much better when you let me do them in my own time or allow me to volunteer. 
Fact: I hate redundancy.
Fact: I can't stand it when people lie.
Fact: I hate sugar-coated deceiving and cleverly worded phrases to avoid being "mean". 
Fact: You'll get along just fine with me if you're just plain honest. 
Fact: I need to go. 
Fact: This is the 33 fact.
Fact: I'm officially done with this post. 

1 comment:

  1. Fact: I love you.
    Fact: I love this post.
    Fact: You make me so happy :)
