Saturday, October 6, 2012

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission.

I hope they call me on a mission
when I have grown a foot or two. (Except...not really, because I haven't grown in years. So, that would never happen.)

This morning a historical event happened. President Thomas S. Monson made a beautiful declaration.
"I am pleased to announce that effective immediately, all worthy, able young men who have graduated from high school (or it's equivalent) regardless of where they live, will have the option of being recommended for missionary service beginning at the age of 18 instead of age 19... As we prayerfully pondered the age at which young men may begin their missionary service, we have also given consideration to the age at which young women might serve. Today I am pleased to announce that able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve, may be recommended fro missionary service beginning at age 19 instead of age 21."

My life has literally changed. 
Let's be honest--both my mom and I started crying. We both knew. I can go on a mission in one year. Everything fits. "It's like everything is working out so perfectly." I have had so many questions about so many things...prior to conference I said a very short and to the point prayer...and so many of my answers came within two minutes of General Conference. 
I can hardly believe it and my excitement really has no words.  
Yet, the devil works fast. 
He sure did try to attack all of that resolve. Because "he can't [me] going on a mission now can he?"
He won't succeed though. Like I said, too many answers have come from the revelation. My dad was talking to me though. Earlier it had been my sister that had said so many things counteracting the Spirit and my determination to go on a mission if the Lord said yes. Seeing as she has left the church, or become inactive anyway, I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. His point was that maybe under the certain circumstances, the Lord was trying to give me my first missionary experience. 
"I just don't see how I could ever make a difference for her."
"But it doesn't matter what you see. It matters what the Lord sees."
"I guess I've just been treated for so long like I'm the baby 
and I don't know anything because everyone else is older and wiser."
"You don't see what a great position you're in. The Lord has said,
 "and a little child shall lead them". 
The Lord has been on your side all along. You just need to accept it."

I certainly had never thought of it that way. I love my dad. I'm a bit scared, I'll be honest. I know it will work out, though.
I do love the enthusiasm of the youth. Facebook is covered in declarations of people who are going to go on missions now. 
It's perfect. Not just for me. In general. I love the inspiration of the Lord.